Critical Incident Stress Follow-up
Dr. Ross Plews
Certified Professional Counsellor Supervisor #20140046
Certified Gottman Couples Therapist #214
#205 5101 48th Street Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 0H9

Some have questioned the validity of the CISM debriefing citing research that proves it to be ineffective. However, according to Dr. Jeffery Mitchell, the majority of negative views are related to studies of single session “debriefings” where individuals attempted to apply the group intervention protocols to individual counselling sessions. This demonstrates a clear violation of the acceptable standards of practice within CISM, which is group focused. (Jeffrey, Mitchell. "Crisis Intervention & CISM: A Research Summary". (
The CIS debriefing is a structured and confidential group discussion facilitated by a specially trained team. The main objectives of a debriefing are to lessen the impact of a traumatic event and to quicken a person’s return to routine functioning.
The CISM Team does not:
* Provide ongoing counseling or support.
* Duplicate existing services.
* Conduct a debriefing unless invited to do so.
* Provide Operational Debriefings.
Research verifies that people groups who utilize the services of trained CISM personnel, recover more quickly and effectively from trauma incidents. CrisisCare provides trained personnel who will assist in Critical Incident Stress Management. This may include defusings, debriefings, referral, education or other C.I.S.M. services.
Defusing is the term given to the confidential process of talking it out - taking the fuse out of an emotional bomb (explosive situation). Trained personnel help provide a safe and supportive environment allowing people the opportunity to talk about their involvement in the critical incident. The defusing process usually involves informal and impromptu sessions.
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