
You are not "losing it". Your response to the traumatic event is deeply personal and normal and what you experiencing are natural reactions to an unnatural situation. Your learned methods of coping have simply not worked in this situation. Recurring thoughts, dreams or flashbacks are normal and will decrease over time and become less painful.
You are not, in fact less capable or less competent than others. You may trust your judgement. In fact, experiencing these reactions does not mean you are weak, or unstable. Instead, it means that you are working hard to deal with a very difficult experience. Changes in your body, thoughts and emotions will also gradually disappear. You will survive and find ways to cope and adjust to the changes brought about by the traumatic event.
Experience shows that as you work through the process of regaining perspective, you will become more and more detached from the event. However, if any of the symptoms mentioned continue or are increasing after
4-6 weeks, professional help is recommended.

Dr. Ross Plews
Certified Professional Counsellor Supervisor #20140046
Certified Gottman Couples Therapist #214
#205 5101 48th Street Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 0H9
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